Effectiveness AND Efficiency

I’ve no idea if the blog is dead. I love a podcast but not sure what I think about blogs.

Our lovely new website gives me the option to add a blog so here is what I am doing. I guess for it to be of use to you the reader and me the writer/blogger we all need to gain something from it, otherwise our precious time has not been used effectively and efficiently…

Perhaps, by fate or natural evolution, as I sit and type hoping for inspiration this is the title of the first blog…. EFFECTIVENESS AND EFFICIENCY…Perhaps, by fate or natural evolution, as I sit and type hoping for inspiration this is the title of the first blog…. EFFECTIVENESS AND EFFICIENCY…Perhaps, by fate or natural evolution, as I sit and type hoping for inspiration this is the title of the first blog…. EFFECTIVENESS AND EFFICIENCY…Perhaps, by fate or natural evolution, as I sit and type hoping for inspiration this is the title of the first blog…. EFFECTIVENESS AND EFFICIENCY…

In the physio-world we are always mindful of what treatments are effective and this should form the backbone of what we do. For example, we are confident that most musculoskeletal ailments can be aided/resolved/prevented with some form of exercise. I have tended to try and merge effective rehab exercises with efficient use of time. In the physio-world we are always mindful of what treatments are effective and this should form the backbone of what we do. For example, we are confident that most musculoskeletal ailments can be aided/resolved/prevented with some form of exercise. I have tended to try and merge effective rehab exercises with efficient use of time.

One of my many eye opening reads during Covid was Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg (https://tinyhabits.com/) in this book my long held ‘hack’ of getting patients to do rehab when they brush their teeth, was expanded upon and explained. Forming new habits is a hard task and we are asking patients to make new habits (i.e. this or that exercise) whilst breaking old habits (couch-potato-ness.., unhelpful movement patterns or belief in ‘old-wives tales’.) The equation B = MAP, where Behaviour happens when Motivation & Ability and Prompt converge at the same moment, is useful to bear in mind.

We want a change in Behaviour– Do the rehab!

Motivation comes from the patient wanting to get better and us explaining and encouraging.

Ability is found by pitching the exercise at a doable level, the goldilocks zone of not too easy or too hard/painful.

The Prompt is often the pain but can be seeing the next physio appointment in the diary.

This equation, coupled with an engaged patient and some appropriately chosen and applied hands-on, manual therapy is perhaps the secret sauce of successful physio.

In my next blog I’ll cover some of the common thoughts, misconceptions, expectations, benefits and pitfalls of ‘traditional’ hands-on therapy. I’ll explain when we do or don’t use this and how we try to play a helpful and active part of the patients rehab journey without engendering a reliance on months or even years’ worth of treatments…

Please pop any questions or feedback in the section below. I’m also very open to any suggestions for future blog topics. Thanks for reading, long live the blog!

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