Quite literally a pain in the neck! There are so many factors that are rife in the modern world that put stress and load on the neck which need to be considered as part of a quality treatment plan. Often incorporating sound ergonomic reasoning as to the interplay between head/neck and the modern worker/workstation we take into account the common postural dysfunctions as well as being experts in more sport related or trauma related issues. 

How we treat

At Tadcaster Physio we take the time to fully understand the problem. Taking a detailed history including medical background and importantly how it impacts on your day-to-day life.

Our focus is to provide quality evidence based treatment techniques in clinic and then back this up with appropriate home-based exercise and tailored advice. We believe that a combination of traditional hands on techniques coupled with the correct approach day-in-day-out gives optimal results. 

How to get sorted

Simply CLICK HERE to make an appointment at out clinic in the heart of Tadcaster. If you have any questions please consult our FAQ page or email info@tadcasterphysio.co.uk or call 01937 833976.

We look forward to getting you back to your best!